Personal Injury Law

Need advice?

The following lawyers focus on

Personal Injury Law:

Eric Clausen

Eric Clausen



Michael J. Velletta

Michael J. Velletta



W. Eric Pedersen

W. Eric Pedersen



Gregory T. Rhone

Gregory T. Rhone



Cadeyrn Christie

Cadeyrn Christie



Our personal injury lawyers represent injured people in Victoria, Vancouver Island, and throughout British Columbia and occasionally beyond, with claims for serious personal injury and wrongful death. Our lawyers have successfully settled countless cases in the 30 years since Velletta Pedersen Christie (formerly, Velletta & Company) opened its doors. Our reputation has been built helping one accident victim at a time.

To learn more about personal injury claims from injury to settlement, we suggest you click on the articles on this webpage which including information about motor vehicle accidents/ ICBC claims, brain injuries, and compensation for your injuries.

Tragic injuries can change lives in an instant. Careless people, poorly designed products, unsafe swimming pools, stairs, and sidewalks—these and many other causes can leave you or a loved one with permanent debilitating injuries. Our personal injury lawyers have obtained compensation for clients in all of these situations—even where the situation at first looked impossible. We are able to settle 98% of cases without the necessity of a lengthily and expensive trial. We can sometimes settle claims without the necessity of starting a lawsuit.

The key is getting a lawyer involved early, before evidence is destroyed or disappears and witnesses’ memories fade. That’s why we will come to your home or hospital bed if you are unable to make it to our fully accessible offices. We can also communicate by e-mail.

Please remember, in every jurisdiction there are strict time limits for bringing claims. Some expire within days or weeks of an incident. Others can be years. If you miss a limitation, your claim can be lost forever. So do not delay when it comes to finding out about and enforcing your legal rights. We can often take on cases on a contingent (% fee) basis so please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions regarding your claim.

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